Apple iOS14 Release Information

Apple released the iOS14 update, with many new features for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iWatch). There has been a lot of confusion about one of the features as they haven’t advertised it well. A new default feature in iOS14 uses a private address when you join a Wi-Fi network. You would have a different private address for each Wi-Fi network that you would connect to. This is an important safety feature especially on public Wi-Fi networks.

We were under the impression that this private address would change every 24 hours, ultimately causing you to have to re-register on Widener’s network . After a full week of testing and working with technical support, we were able to determine that this feature will function on Widener’s Campus Wi-Fi.

The only change with this feature being ENABLED would be that you now have to register your device on each network. This would mostly affect the student population who travel from the residence halls (“wu-secure-resnet”) to the academic buildings (“wu-secure”).

You have the ability to disable this feature. Follow the directions below:

Turn private address off or on for a network

You can stop or resume using a private address with any network. For better privacy, leave the setting on for all networks that support it.

iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

  1. Open the Settings app, then tap Wi-Fi.
  2. Tap the information button next to a network.
  3. Tap Private Address. If your device joined the network without using a private address, a privacy warning explains why.
    1. Uncheck the Private Address.

Apple Watch

  1. Open the Settings app, then tap Wi-Fi.
  2. Tap the name of the network you joined. If you haven’t joined the network yet, swipe left on its name and tap more .
  3. Tap Private Address.
    1. Uncheck the Private Address.


Wired & Wireless – Device Registration

Get connected to Widener’s network. For security reasons, Widener University has implemented a solution to protect your electronic devices from other devices that might not be secure. Every device you connect to the Wireless Network or Residence Hall Wired Network must be registered for compliance purposes.

Steps to register your device
  • Connect to the wireless SSID “wudorm” or “widener”, if you choose to connect via Ethernet cable you will need to put in a port request. (
  • Open your internet browser and try to go to a website such as
  • Follow the on screen instructions to register your device.
Device Registration Requirement Information:
  • All Microsoft Windows based Desktops and Laptops (Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10) are required to have up to date operating system patches (Windows Updates) and an up to date Anti-Virus program (free or subscription) not provided from the University. A persistent agent is required to be downloaded and installed in order to stay in compliance on the network. It will prompt you for your Widener Login Username and password, then it will scan for your operating system patches and verify an up to date Anti-Virus.
  • Phones & Apple Products (MacBook, iMac, iPad, iPhone), Non-Windows Tablets, eReaders will only require your Widener Login username and password to register on the network.
  • Most Gaming Devices (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo products), Smart TV’s, and Streaming Devices (Apple TV, Amazon Firestick/TV, Echo, Roku) will be automatically registered on the network. Please connect them via ethernet cable or on the wireless SSID “WUDorm” and they will take up to 15 minutes to move from the registration network to the production network. If you still have issues connecting after patiently waiting, please reboot your device and see if it properly connects. If it still does not connect, please locate your MAC address for your device and open a support ticket by contacting the ITS HelpDesk at 610-499-1047 OR Submit a support ticket at

 *PLEASE NOTE: Wireless printing in the residence halls is allowed, but we recommend securing them with a passcode to print (see your printer manufacturers’ instructions to setup). Otherwise; connect your printer via usb cable. CHROMECAST is designed to work in a home environment and given the size and complexity of our network, it will NOT work on Widener’s Network. WE DO NOT ALLOW PERSONAL WIRELESS ROUTERS ON WIDENER’S NETWORK. Not all  SMART PLUGS AND LIGHTS are designed for enterprise network environments; therefore they may not work properly on our network. But we will work with you to get these devices securely on the network if possible.

Reporting Wireless Issues of registered devices:

We are always looking to improve our wireless network and with your help, we can make it better. In order to fix the issue, we need to know about it. Now you can quickly report the issue to us.

By going to and searching WiFi, you will find the link to where you can submit a ticket reporting the issue directly to the group that manages this environment. We want to make your wireless experience an enjoyable one, not a stressful one.

*For additional assistance, please visit the Student Technology Support Center. The Student Technology Support Center (STSC) is a walk-in support center where students can go for assistance with their computers and hand-held devices. The STSC is now located on the main floor of the Wolfgram Memorial Library on the Chester Campus. You may also visit the ITS HelpDesk located on the 2nd floor of Academic Center North (ACN) Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm excluding holidays.

Video Captioning Service- Now Available!

Our goal is a simple yet important one: Make instructional video content more accessible. A collaboration of TLT, Library, and Disability Services is working on this process for proposal submission, review, and selection. Limited funding for video captioning and transcription services has been granted for the upcoming academic year, so get your proposals ready!

Things you need to know:
  • The proposals are semester based. To be considered for 19/Fall courses, you will need to submit a proposal by August 8, 2019. Mid-semester proposal will be considered if funding permits.
  • Based on funding limitations, we cannot guarantee all proposals will be accepted. Priorities will be based on the content frequency (required over several semesters or across multiple courses), the number of students in the course(s), the quality of the audio/video (compliance with best practices of instructional video), etc. For more details, please see the scoring rubric.
  • Two-step review: Once proposals are accepted to move on to the next steps, faculty members will be provided a Cielo24 account along with steps and a checklist for pre-upload review. At that point, faculty will be able to upload their proposed video to the platform for final review (The video uploads will be in a queue for our authorization, on the Cielo24 platform).
Additional Considerations:
  • Our team will also provide support for faculty to better apply instructional videos in their teaching. For example,
    • TLT office will provide consultation on video editing and best video practices and tools.
    • Wolfgram Memorial Library will provide information about copyright, fair use, and existing alternate content that may be more recent or otherwise helpful, etc.


Here is the first step – submit your proposal through this link.


Also, please visit the Instructional Media and Video course on Canvas for more information on best practices, multimedia tools, and copyright and fair use practices.

News and Notes from TLT – Summer 2019

In this issue: 
  • Fall ‘19 Courses in Canvas 
  • Inactive vs. Deleted Students 
  • NEW Canvas add-ins: Poll Everywhere and Screencast-O-Matic 
  • Accessible Course Content (coming soon: Video Captions and Transcripts) 
Fall ‘19 Course Load Date – Available in Canvas by the end of the day on June 18th. 
  • To customize your dashboard – in the Courses tab, select the star next to the courses you want to see on your dashboard 
  • If you are interested in getting a head start building your courses, create a Master Class and import the content once courses are loaded. Videos and Guide. 
  • When it’s time to import your course content, be sure to “select specific content”. This will not only prevent duplications, but also prevent unwanted content/settings to transfer.
    • IMPORTANT: If you chose to import ALL, including course “Settings”, and have manually altered course dates in your previous course, those old dates WILL transfer. This may prevent students from participating in your course
“Inactive Students”   

Beginning June 10, 2019, any student who is removed from a course after the start date will be listed as “inactive” in Canvas, instead of disappearing completely. This improvement will allow you to retain submissions, attendance information, etc. within the course. 

Coming Soon! Poll Everywhere in Canvas starting Fall ‘19 

Poll Everywhere will soon be integrated into Canvas. You will be able to: 

  • Import your course roster, automatically giving your students a participant account 
  • Send scores from your poll to the Canvas gradebook
  • Add polls into your course Modules
  • For more information or to get an account, email
*NEW* Screencast-O-Matic in Canvas 

Did you know you can screen capture within your Canvas course? The Screencast-O-Matic integration has been added university wide, allowing you to create instructional videos with a few simple clicks. 


As you prepare your courses, keep accessibility in mind. For more information on creating an accessible Canvas course and creating accessible documents check out the Digital Accessibility course in Canvas

Coming Soon! Video Captioning 

Widener will soon be offering video captioning through Cielo24. If you have instructional videos and want to learn more about the new captioning service, email

Report Your WiFi Issues Here!

After you have successfully registered your device on the wireless network, have you ever experienced one of these symptoms: slow speeds for an extended period, weak to no wireless signal, constant disconnects, strong signal but no internet access, or just cannot connect to the wireless network?

Across all three campuses, we have made significant upgrades to the wireless network in all academic and administrative buildings as well as the residence halls over the last few years. Even after all these upgrades, we are sure that some of you may still have issues that are not reported to ITS. We are always looking to improve our wireless network and with your help, we can make it better. In order to fix the issue, we need to know about it. Now you can quickly report the issue to us.

By going to and searching WiFi, you will find the link to

where you can submit a ticket reporting the issue directly to the group that manages this environment. We want to make your wireless experience an enjoyable one, not a stressful one.

Campus Cruiser Closeout FAQs

As you may have heard, Cruiser closed their doors on December 31, 2018. This FAQ has been compiled in anticipation of questions you may have. If your question is not addressed in this FAQ, please submit your question to

We highly recommend subscribing to this blog to receive notifications when new information is posted.

Click on any Question button to toggle between showing and hiding its answer.

Cruiser – General

A. Subscribe to the blog! Visit our previous post here for instructions on subscribing to the ITSNews blog. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. You should already have made every attempt to download any data you wished to save. If you have not, please attempt to download your data right away. The portal may continue to be accessible until March 15, 2019 but we are on borrowed time now. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. While Cruiser formally closed their doors on December 31, 2018, the portal may be available until March 15, 2019, but with little to no support from the vendor. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Even though the site may be available until March 15, 2019, Cruiser officially closed their doors on December 31, 2018. As we move forward, there is no guarantee we will have a contact to help with data download issues. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. If you are a current student, staff or faculty, we encourage you to save the files in your OneDrive space in Office365. If you need help moving files to OneDrive, please see our OneDrive resources. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Any email sent to a account will be returned to the sender after March 15, 2019. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. If you would like to setup an auto-reply to instruct senders to update your email address instructions follow the steps below.
1. Log into Cruiser and click on MyCruiser.

a. Click Archived Cruiser Email

2. Click on the Tools tab, and then click Settings.

3. Click on the Auto Reply tab.

a. Click Enable Auto Reply button (correct display should say ENABLED)

b. Target should be ‘All Senders’.

c. Frequency should be ‘Every Time’.

d. Do not enter a Begin or End Date.

e. Enter your reply message that will be sent to any email delivered to your Cruiser email account.

f. A generic message could be: Please note, my email address has changed to This email address will no longer be valid after March 15, 2019. Please update your address book with my new email address.

4. Click Save.
Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Update your email address on your personal website accounts, i.e. banking, Amazon, iCloud, LinkedIn, utilities, etc. Last updated: 1/11/19

My Cruiser – Personal Tools:

A. This data was moved to the new Office 365 platform as of May 2018. You can access it through the WUMail link on the Widener home page. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Navigate to My Cruiser > Personal Tools. Click on My Files.
Review the list of folders and files you’ve saved. Check the box next to any that you want to save and then click Download. If you need help moving files to OneDrive, please see our OneDrive resources or send us an email with your question to Last updated: 1/11/19


A. Students should download any data that they wish to keep for archival purposes. Students should immediately download data located in the shared files of your Campus Cruiser courses, committees, or clubs. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Unfortunately they cannot students need to download the files individually. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Navigate to My Cruiser > Personal Tools. Click on My Files.
Review the list of folders and files you’ve saved. Check the box next to any that you want to save and then click Download. If you need help moving files to OneDrive, please see our OneDrive resources. Last updated: 1/11/19


A. Now that Cruiser has formally closed their doors, there are no guarantees for how much longer the data will be accessible. It may continue to be accessible until March 15, 2019 but we are on borrowed time now.
Navigate to Academics > Classes > My Cruiser Class Archives. For Assignment Submissions, select the assignment > Detail and choose the document you want downloaded (it should download automatically) For Discussion Boards or Journals you will need to copy/paste your prompts and replies. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. You may find that the data is still accessible and may be available until March 15, 2019. However, we have no way to guarantee for how much longer the data will be available. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Now that Cruiser has formally closed their doors, there are no guarantees for how much longer the data will be accessible. It may continue to be accessible until March 15, 2019 but we are on borrowed time now.
Navigate to Academics > Classes > My Cruiser Class Archives. There is no simple download for anything built in HTML notepads, Discussion Board prompts, Home Page content, Assignments, Assessments, Announcements, or Journals. You will need to Copy/Paste into a Word document or a Canvas course (create a new Master Class or use an existing course in Canvas).The YouTube Playlist “Cruiser Closeout” is a 3 part series that TLT has created to address moving specific course content out of CampusCruiser:
Part 1 – Shared FilesPart 2 – Course Content (ex. HTML Notepad, Assignments, Quizzes, etc)Part 3 – Course Records (Attendance, Gradebook, Student Submissions) Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Back to and including the Fall 2015 term. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. The Provost has requested that the respective Deans serve as custodians of this content. Any request for access to retired/former FT or adjunct faculty course data for assessment and accreditation purposes must include permission from the Dean, along with the Course ID number(s). The complete request with Course ID number(s) and the Dean’s permission should be emailed together to Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Canvas classes can be accessed from the Widener home page or the Canvas app on mobile devices. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. You can access Engage classes directly using the link below, or through Canvas (via the same link).
Direct Access: Go to and Log In. We recommend bookmarking this page for future reference. You may receive a message that states “User could not be authenticated.” If that happens, please click the “forgotten username or password” link to update your credentials.

Access through Canvas: You will see a “Course” in Canvas titled, “Access Your Engage Courses Here” on your Canvas Dashboard. This will provide a link (the same one listed above) to log into Engage.

For assistance with technical issues related to Engage, please contact the Personal Support Center (PSC): PSC – Personal Support Center 1-844-386-7321

Last updated: 1/11/19

A. For every evaluation you need to keep, please access it and use one of the following options:
Use the Overall Download button for a .xls workbook of survey data.

Use the Report Formats button (has 3 options) > use the Print button to get PDF printouts. If you employed the Scale format in your evaluation, the  Additional Results tab may provide additional formats under the “Response Distribution Reports” section (click to expand). Last updated: 1/11/19


A. You will continue to receive emergency campus alerts via email and on your phone if you have subscribed to Omnilert (previously E2 CampusAlert). Omnilert Subscription Signup We have signed a contract for a new portal solution, which will be announced shortly. We will broadcast general campus announcements in the new portal. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Office365. The owners or Hosts of these offices, Committees, or clubs will need to move them to Office365. ITS will provide instruction on how to do this in the near future. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. There is no easy or quick way to pull the data off of Campus Cruiser. Everything needs to be save individually. The steps are listed below.
1. Go to your page
2. Right click anywhere on the page
3. Depending on the browser you are using > Select “Save as… or Save Page as…”
4. Your file directory will launch, select the location where you want to store your Campus Cruiser data
Things to remember when saving data:
1. The main page is saved as an html web page, the view will not be the same as Campus Cruiser. This is to preserve your information that is accessed from the page and any external internet links that are contained there.2. If linked content lives in Campus Cruiser it will need to be downloaded separately. Examples are word, excel or pdf documents.3. Images, videos and movies will need to be downloaded separately. ANY LINKS THAT WORKED IN THE PAST MAY NOT WORK NOW THAT CAMPUS CRUISER IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. THE DATA MAY BE ACCESSIBLE UNTIL MARCH 15, 2019 BUT THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. To copy an Office, Committees and Clubs membership list. Go into the Office, Committee or Club and follow the instructions below.
Member Tools > Address Book > Check “Contact” box to select all > Select “E-mail” > Then copy the list of email address of your members.
Last updated: 1/11/19

A. We have signed a contract for an external-facing website solution, which will be announced shortly. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. If the content is intended for Widener clients only, you will move this content to Office365 into a group or site. If you need help moving files to Office365, please send an email to Last updated: 1/11/19

A. The directory was migrated to the Office365 platform as of May 2018. Office365 directory Last updated: 1/11/19

A. Send us an email with your question to Last updated: 1/11/19


A. GOOD NEWS — We are NOT losing any of the functionality listed under the Web Advisor tab. All of the services listed under WebAdvisor are links to other web sites or pages. ITS grouped them under the heading of WebAdvisor to make access easier for students, faculty, and staff. We have signed a contract for a new portal solution, which will be announced shortly. The WebAdvisor services will be accessible through the new portal. Last updated: 1/11/19

A. You should locate any customer-facing documentation or instructions you may have prepared and review them for possible updates. You will be changing references to Cruiser and any instructions with regard to navigating to a particular service. Any instructions regarding how to actually use a particular service should not have to change. Last updated: 1/11/19

Say Hello to LinkedIn Learning!

On December 18th, will become LinkedIn Learning

We’re excited to let you know that we’ll be upgrading one of your learning and development benefits,, to LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning has the same great content as, and it will provide a more personalized experience.

Accounts will be upgraded on Tuesday, December 18th, at which time you will no longer be able to access  But don’t worry, all your learning activity and history will be seamlessly transferred to LinkedIn Learning.  After the upgrade is completed (we expect it to take up to ~18 hours), you’ll receive an email to activate your LinkedIn Learning account.

More information on the upgraded LinkedIn Learning environment is available here.  Answers to questions like “What if I don’t have a LinkedIn account?”, “Do I need to connect my LinkedIn profile?”, and “Will my administrator have access to view my LinkedIn activity on my personal account?” can be found in the LinkedIn Learning FAQs.

We look forward to the upgrade and seeing how LinkedIn Learning helps you continue your growth and success!

Migration of File and Network Print Services FAQ

Over the next year, ITS will discontinue the personal F/H/I-drive as well as the departmental J/L-drives for some clients. In addition, Novell GroupWise Messenger,, and our current network printer software will be replaced. This FAQ should help to answer some of your questions.

Q: Do I need to contact ITS to move our department drives J/L?

A: Prior to the migration of drives (J/L), an ITS staff member will contact each department to schedule an initial meeting. During the meeting, they will review the current file structure of the drives to troubleshoot any issues that might arise prior to moving data to OneDrive. They will also explain the sequence of events that will happen during the migration.

Q: Why does the F(H/I/J)-drive have to go away?

A: The F-drive and our current print sharing services are based on a very old network directory called Novell. At this point, Novell is almost extinct. We have its replacement—Microsoft Active Directory—in place, which already supports our email system, OneDrive, and many other services. It no longer makes sense to pay the cost of running redundant services.

Q: What is Active Directory?

A: Active Directory (AD) is software developed by Microsoft that provides centralized network, file and print services, as well as identity management.

Q: Will it affect the way I do things today?

A: Yes. You will see a change in the way you access and share university data. You may also notice slight differences in the screens you see when you print.


Q: Who will be migrated to Active Directory?

A: Everyone is already in Active Directory, but some of their services still live on the older file and print sharing platforms. ITS will coordinate initial meetings with select departments, on a schedule, in their move to AD. During this meeting, a migration plan for each department will be developed. Part of this plan involves joining your PC, if you use one, to the domain.

Q: How will this migration affect me as a Mac user?

A: The migration will not affect Mac users.

Q: What do I have to do for this prior to the migration?

A: Clients will need to clean up and move files and folders from their F-drive (Chester), H-Drive (Harrisburg), and I-Drive (Delaware) to their Widener OneDrive.

Q: What is the time frame for this Project?

A: We will start meeting with departments in October 2018, and we expect to have the migration complete by the Summer of 2019.

Q: How long will the migration take?

A: The process will take between 25 to 45 minutes.

Q: Do I have to be available during the migration?

A: Yes.


Q: I log in from home using VPN, will that change?

A: No, you will not see any differences when logging into the VPN.

Q: Will my login ID and password change?

A: No, your login ID and password will remain the same.


Q: I use Novell GroupWise Messenger to connect with my colleagues during the day, will I still be able to use GroupWise?

A: No, this transition will retire GroupWise (Novell Messenger). Within the Office 365 suite is a chat application called Microsoft Teams, this will replace the GroupWise system.


Q: What happens to my OneDrive synced files after my computer is migrated to Active Directory?

A: The next time you log into OneDrive and the system authenticates you, your files will resync to your profile.

Q. Is there a size limit on a single file in OneDrive?

A: Yes, Microsoft is currently limiting single file size to 10 gigabytes.

Q: Will I be able to set up folder sharing?

A: Yes, we have instructions on how you can do this or you can put in a quick ticket to have our HelpDesk assist you. As we meet with each department, ITS will gather this information and help set these shares up with you during the migration.

Q: How can I access my Widener OneDrive files?

A: You will be able to access the data on devices that can access the internet or that have the OneDrive App available.

Q: Will I still be able to use

A: No, your will no longer be available after Jan 1, 2019. It will be replaced with OneDrive.

Q: Will my department’s J-Drive (Chester), L-Drive (Harrisburg), L-Drive (Delaware) still be accessible?

A: No, the department data will be moved and will reside in OneDrive. ITS will work with each department to move the data.

Q: Will my department OneDrive data be backed up?

A: We will work with each department to communicate what data is backed up to the cloud during the migration phase, but we currently plan to back up data moved from each department’s J-Drive (Chester), L-Drive (Harrisburg), L-Drive (Delaware).

Q: What will happen to my data on the F-drive (Chester), H-Drive (Harrisburg), and I-Drive (Delaware)?

A: The data located on the drives in question will need to be moved to your Widener OneDrive on Office 365, which offers up 1 terabyte of storage and can be accessed from anywhere.

Q: How do I move the contents of my F-drive (Chester), H-Drive (Harrisburg), and I-Drive (Delaware) to my Widener provided OneDrive?

A: Upload your files to OneDrive or you can put in a quick ticket for the HelpDesk to assist you.


Q: Will I still have access to my printers after the migration?

A: Your printers should automatically be installed on the first login after migration. This will be something that the ITS member will check before they leave your desk.

Canvas Update

Things are progressing well on the Canvas implementation project. We know that many faculty members are eager to begin learning the new system and building courses, so we wanted to report on our progress so far:

  • Loaded faculty, staff, and students into Canvas and connected their logins with our single sign-on process
  • Created an easy-to-remember address:
  • Collaborated with our Canvas project team and group of faculty volunteers to build a default course template
  • Activated the 24/7 Canvas help desk, which offers both Chat and Phone assistance to the entire Widener community
  • Enabled an interactive Course Setup Checklist for all courses.

We are currently finalizing your training options. You will have flexible and unlimited access to training on features and best practices. Options include:

  • Live Canvas-led interactive training webinars (WU-paid subscription)
  • Recorded Canvas-led webinars
  • Canvas courses.
  • TLT workshops in the FISHtank
  • Librarian-led content assistance via training, guides, and workshops
  • Small group and 1-on-1 assistance

Logo for Canvas by Instructure

We will load Fall 2017 template courses before the end of October. Your students will not be in the classes, but you will have the opportunity to build your courses.

We will load Spring 2018 template courses into Canvas no later than the middle of November.

Just as a reminder, the CampusCruiser portal will continue to include your classes through the end of summer 2018. Here is a link to the ITS blog with the full Canvas implementation timeline.

Coming Soon: Training options and details!


macOS High Sierra Announcement

Apple released macOS High Sierra (10.13) on Monday, September 25th, 2017.  As with most new OS releases, we strongly recommend that you wait and not upgrade your University owned Mac.

Apple released macOS High Sierra (10.13) on Monday, September 25th, 2017.  As with most new OS releases, we strongly recommend that you wait and not upgrade your University owned Mac.  Information Technology Services cannot yet support High Sierra on University owned Macs until it has been sufficiently tested.  Additionally, waiting until the first set of High Sierra updates are released allows Apple to fix initial stability problems and bugs before the OS even makes it to your machine.

Our currently deployed Macs cannot even benefit from the most significant changes in High Sierra – the new Apple file system (AFS).  The enhanced speed, performance, security and reliability that High Sierra advertises is dependent on the new file system, which Apple does not support on our Mac hardware.  In addition to not being able to realize the biggest benefits of the upgrade, the process itself could cause significant issues, making a complete system backup an absolute necessity.  Furthermore, ITS is already aware of a number of issues with network printing and older software programs, including incompatibility with all versions of Microsoft Office released before 2016.  Software compatibility issues resulting from this upgrade are more complex than a basic update can fix.  These compatibility issues are similar to those experienced when Apple moved to Intel processors and Power PC programs no longer worked.  All of this leads us to our recommendation that you wait and not upgrade at this time.

One of the best updates – Safari’s ability to mute autoplayed videos – doesn’t even require High Sierra.  The new “Autoplay Blocking” is part of Safari 11, which is available in the App Store for systems running Sierra (10.12) or El Capitan (10.11).

Once we are confident that High Sierra will work well in our environment, ITS staff will be happy to assist with a safe and coherent upgrade process for our faculty and staff.