Canvas Support hotlines are separate and specific for students and faculty (course design and admin). Access the entire Help menu (? icon) in the Global Navigation Menu (purple menu, far left-hand side). Included are: The Canvas Guides (answers to common Canvas questions), and live (phone or text) Chat, or by submitting a ticket with Canvas Support.
Category: CanvasFAQ
What is the difference between a Survey and a Course Evaluation Project?
A Survey is a series of questions that get presented to a student term after term.
A Course Evaluation Project is the term specific wrapper that holds all the pieces that go into an evaluation period (users, courses, survey(s), communications, and then reports). Each project will contain a main survey (the series of questions you have created). All courses within a project must use the same main survey. If some courses need a different main survey, they would have to be in a different project.
#CanvasFAQ_Evalkit #Canvas #Evaluation #Kit
#EvaluationKit, Online Course Evaluation & Survey System
Whom do I contact if I have a technical problem with my computer while using Canvas?
You can also submit a ticket to ITS support via x1047 or
What web browser should I use to access Canvas?
Check the Canvas Community for Supported Web Browsers
Why we are switching to Canvas LMS?
For information, visit
Will I still need Cruiser?
Will I still need CampusCruiser? What will happen to my offices, committees, clubs, and WebAdvisor?
The switch over to Canvas is for the Classes segment of CampusCruiser only and not the entire portal. Your university business, including WebAdvisor, does not change with the Canvas transition.
When will Canvas be integrated with rosters from Student Planning?
As of Fall 2017, we are fully integrated. Course rosters are set to update automatically, so you will not add users manually. You can, however, still use the +People feature to add additional users (including co-teachers, librarians, and other liaisons, etc.) to your course. For more details on adding people to your course, visit the Canvas Guide:
When do I have to start using Canvas for my courses?
Likely, Fall 2018. All courses became available for Canvas in Spring 2018, so faculty may teach in either Canvas or CampusCruiser during Spring and Summer 2018. Adopting Canvas during Spring and Summer semesters is highly encouraged because CampusCrusier will no longer be available for classes once we cut over. For more information on the transition timeline, visit
How students complete course evals
How will students complete course evaluations in Canvas?
This information will be updated as soon as we have determined the application we are integrating into Canvas. Until then, the Evals in CampusCruiser will remain available.
Is Widener offering any training to help faculty make the transition to Canvas?
- We’ve published a page called Quick Steps for Your First Canvas Course on the ITS News blog.
- To start learning how to build a course, in addition to accessing training on your own or using the Canvas guides, you can sign up for a variety of 90-minute on-campus “viewing parties” with Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) in the FISHtank using our online registration form. The viewing parties consist of 60 minute interactive training plus 30 minutes of hands on TLT support for Canvas implementation.