How do I use discussions (i.e., forums / message boards) in Canvas?

    • The Discussions link is in the course menu. Click on +Discussions at the top of the page to get started. If you would like more information on how to create discussions, go to
    • To pin a Discussion so that it always appears at the top, drag and drop the discussion up to the box “pinned discussions” or use the 3-dot menu link on the far right of the discussion and select “Pin”. For more information on pinning:
    • You will be automatically subscribed to the discussion threads that you create as an instructor, and you’ll be notified when new comments are posted. To unsubscribe or subscribe to a discussion, navigate to a specific discussion title and click Subscribe. Go to this link to view the specific steps you can take to subscribe or unsubscribe from a discussion:
    • You can adjust where and how frequently you receive notifications.  For more information, visit